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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Express your Felix

Quite recently, Felix cat food has brought out a new product in their product line. And I was lucky enough to test it with my three cats.

I actually feel really amazed by this product, as my cats loved it! They are usually fussy eaters when it comes to meal time. But with this, they couldn't wait to get their paws onto it.
The flavour was chicken with crunchy crumbles. The way it works is, you take three sachet of chicken and putt it in your cats bowl, then pour the crumbles out  on top. Quite easy to do, and no fuss.

However, as I noticed at first.. my cats were eating just the chicken.. leaving the crunchy crumbles until very last. At one point I thought that they would just leave the crumbles, and if that was the case.. never buy it again.. but just as I gave up most hope.. they started to crunch. I guess they don't like the idea of it together. But as I said, they are fussy eaters.

If my cats could rate it.. they would give it paws up. Yummy, amazing, tasty.


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Aveeno Active Naturals

So, I applied to test this product. Which in itself looks good, very simple and effective!

So, this product is amazing! Probably not for me though. I have very sensitive skin. And when I say very, I mean very.. One little drop of water could potentially cause a rash on my skin, particularly my legs. But this lotion didn't cause any sort of rash on my upper body (the same cannot be said for my legs.. )
"Discover nature's secret for healthy feeling skin" - is the slogan for this this moisturizer, which I see as quite a pretty one. I mean, I won't remember it, but for what it is.. its a cute slogan. And would probably make me buy it if I see it in a shop.
The inside shows you a list of the Benefits that oats has as a moisturizer. This includes:
  • Moisturises- Restores moisture to dehydrated skin
  • Soothes- Oatmeal has a soothing action on sensitive, irritable skin. (It has? It nearly burnt my legs!)
  • Protects- Creates a protective film on the surface of the skin
  • Buffers- Helps return skin to normal PH levels.. (and for those who don't know there science. PH is a scale on how alkane or acid it is)
  • Cleanses- the oat particles adhere to dirt and dead skin cells allowing them to be washed away.
I guess, the product itself is good. I mean, I do feel a difference in the skin on my upper body.. Just not my legs.. at all. So I'd probably just use this for the top half.
I guess, what I am saying is.. if you have reeeeealllly sensitive skin, don't use this product (Or test it first. Put a small amount on your skin and see if you have any side effects- which in full fairness, I should of done first.)
Also, Its good on dry skin. Already my dry skin is feeling like a baby's bottom! (Hehe, bottom! *Minion laugh*)
If you get the chance guys, try the moisturiser. It does what it says and makes my skin feel healthy! And it doesn't have an odour too! If that's what you like with your moisturisers!

Thursday 19 March 2015

Pencil and Paper Create The World.

So, I'm a copy cat. Shot me. Since Oliwia posted some of her art. I thought I might as well bombarded you with my art. Ha. Sorry. Truly.

I little about what I draw first.
Usually, I am very much drawn to pencils, most importantly: HB, 2B and 6B. I always do my base lines with a HB pencil, lightly. Just in case of mistakes. Then go back into with 2B, shading certain areas which are dark and so forth. Then, just before I finish, I send it the 6B to darken the even darker areas. Also, 6B is my favourite for shading in larger areas.. since its such a soft lead. Occasionally I will use 4B, if I desire it on that piece. At the moment.. I think I've only used it once..
Literally all I received for Christmas...
 Let's start shall we... with Commissioned

Oliwia Portrait
Firstly. Oliwia. The other blogger. I requested people to tell me who/what to draw as a way of practising my skills. I used HB, 2B and 6B for everything. And to tell you something, I am damn well proud of that necklace! Small details go a long way in art work! Now.. if I can work on doing actual backgrounds.. I'll be onto a winner!

Alfred, played by Mike Zubi
Its always nice to see art with the commissioner
Next up is a piece I did as a surprise. So technically not a commission, but who's judging? The portrait, later removed the red background, is of Mike Zubi as the character Alfred. Most of you, by now, will be like: Who? What?
To put things simply. Alfred is a character is a musical called: Tanz der vampire (or Le Bal des Vampire- which is what I based this one from).

Benjamin Yates- Musical Actor

Another musical commission/surprise.. was this little gem. I asked the person prior to drawing this whether or not they would like one done. So again, technically not a commission, but I'll count it nevertheless.
Details.. The t-shirt.. the glasses.. first time doing a face without and eyes.. and gee.. it was hard. The nose took a while to get right, I do admit. I ended up restarting like four times before I found myself happy with the entire thing. Also.. the hair.. the reference picture didn't show his hair as well as it could of done.. which had saddened me. But its life, and definitely a learning curve for me!

Next up... Portraits

I know the previous three are all portraits. But sometimes. I do portraits to hang on my wall. I quite recently I've completed three, with like five unfinished... oops?

Sarah Changal- Tanz Der Vampire

Sansa Stark

Adam Lambert.

 Not much to say about them, as two of them are fairly recognizable and one from Tanz der vampire.. which has been briefly mentioned already.
I guess the one I am most proud of is Adam Lambert.. I don't know why, I just seem to smile everytime I come to walk by it.
The one in my eyes which needs the most improving is Sansa. I admit, that now I can see that its suppose to be Sansa. I can see the similarities.. but when I drew her.. I wanted to throw it away more times than once. I just wasn't ever happy with the way she had turned out. But. As I've learned.. continue with everything. If the work in progress doesn't look good, the finished product still might look amazing!


Paris Locket

That cute Amazon box man

 These two are my all time favourites.. Seriouly. I just loved how they came out. Since I'm so used to drawing portraits and human faces. It was very relaxing to go into drawing objects.. and the amazon man.
Also, remember when I briefly told you what things I use when doing the art... well.. yes .. right there you see a coloured piece of art. Which is why I was so scared about doing the Amazon Man.. I needed to be able to colour him in! And I am so happy to how it turned out! Happy dance! Most importantly happy with the box.. it looks like a box!

That's all for now.. and probably for a while, since I don't want to keep posting pictures of my art. If you want to see them as I finish them.. check out:
My Artist Instagram: Thaliajadexart
DeviantArt: Shannonhjadex
Facebook Page: Thaliajadex


Wednesday 18 March 2015

New Dr Pepper.. Tickles your taste Buds?

So.. who likes the new taste of Dr.Pepper? Does it tickle your tastebuds in a good way or a bad?

The New and Improved Dr Pepper?
So, have you noticed that Dr. Pepper has changed its taste? Or is it no difference with you? To me, it is.. I am a long time lover of this delight. And quite recently a friend brought to my attention that the recipe had changed a slight. Yet, she still tasted the difference.
Today, I decided to buy myself a bottle of one of my favourite drinks and see if I can spot the difference. And to my surprise. I can! There is a slight difference to which I picked up on. And also, now.. now it left a sort of bitter aftertaste? I never expected that to happen. True, I still like the drink, its just the after taste that gets me. Tickles my taste buds in the wrong way.

So what do you guys think? Can you taste the new and improved recipe? Or is it just the same for you?

I also noticed today, that the Diet Cola bottles had changed their design. After seeing two of them side by side in the vending machine. One with bigger writing than usual, still the same classic design just bigger writing. Is the cola cola company changing things around slightly?


Tuesday 17 March 2015


One of the things that I do in my spare time is draw, sketch. colour.. you name it! I just love to create art, even though I may not be the best at it. So I thought I'd share some of my drawings...

This is one of the first drawings that I did. I bet you can guess who it is! You know... 'deduct' who it is..  It's a drawing of Benedict Cumberbatch (one of my favourite actors of all time!) as Sherlock Holmes from the BBC Sherlock (favourite TV show). I simply used a HB pencil and a piece of paper (not very fancy, I know) but it shows what you can do without spending much money!

This is just a simple drawing of an eye that I did not so long ago, my eye to be exact. Took me only about 10 minutes and once again I used a pencil and paper. Simple. And doesn't break the bank either!

I'm still learning how to improve my drawing skills so I can be better at it. And maybe one day... be an artist in a museum.. joking.

I hope you like these two drawings (I'll post more soon!) please leave some comments or give me ideas of what I could draw next..

(More drawings on my instagram page: @Olivex289) < just promoting my insta :3

- Oliwia x

Sheet Music.. Yay or nay?

Sheet music. The language of the musician... or... the death of me.. seriously.

Seasons Of Love Sheet Music
I post this on behalf of those who really want to learn a song so badly, yet... can't read sheet music. I mean.. true. We could learn.. We could. But, to be fair.. its one song I want to learn. One. Not a whole score.. just one song. Or even a snipped of music to show off to my friends. Since that's often the case with me.

Memory Sheet Music 

I know its a subject.. where one half of people will think:
'Well.. if you want to learn a song, just learn to read sheet music'
But, while that's all well and good. Some people just can't get the grasp of it. I touched upon it during my first years in high school.. 4 years ago now... I never understood it then. My mind could not understand what the notes are.. where I play... even the beats. If I know the song lyrics and tune, and I know the chords, I can more or less play it by ear. But.. its hard to find just chords.. Most songs I'd love to play come with sheet music with no indication on what the chords are for those who cannot read.
All my mind ever sees with sheet music is a lot of fancy lines. Sure, looks nice. But that is all it does for me.
That being said.. I did search for how to read sheet music.. so I think.. I have a little more understanding. Not a lot.. I still don't know what the heck the above pictures are.
So what's your view on sheet music? Can you read it easily, like its your mother tongue? Or are you like me.. your mind cannot grasp it at all?

Monday 16 March 2015

Natalia... Who?

Natalia Kills, not many know her. But for those who do.. Well, a great shock came to them after what happened on NZ (New Zealand) x-factor.

For those who don't know who this is. This is Natalia Kills, a singer and song writer from the UK. In my honest opinion, I have been a fan since her first ever song came out. Her singing style is something I do indeed like- that's coming from someone who would much rather listen to musicals.. ha.
But as a fan.. There is no way I can physically, or mentally back her up one what she said on New Zealand's X factor.
She says she's ashamed to be there? I'm ashamed to know about her. Not many people actually know who this dark haired singer is.. and she thinks she has a right to what she said? Copywrited suit? Copying her husband? Who even is her husband? Geez.
Natalia, dear.. You were once a sophisticated.. intelligent person.. but now.. well, that all fell down the drain rather quickly. Didn't it?
I hope the contestant they had quickly clawed at, Joe Irvine, is still smiling. Not letting what she had said to get to him.
I do like the fact that even in the video above.. Joe seems to keep it all inside, even calling Kills beautiful. Way to go! Don't let the haters hate.
You know what Joe? You look one thousand times better than her husband did! Rock that look!


A Whole New... Experience.

So. I believe its about time that one day.. Just one day, my friend and I started a blog. At first.. we really didn't know what to blog about. The possibilities are endless!
We could sing you the song of our people and blog about music- but really.. we have different tastes in music.
We could show you our dramatic..... pauses... by blogging about movies and tv. But again, different tastes came into it.
At the end of the day.. We decided to do everything and anything. By doing this, you, our viewers, are able to see the different views and tastes altogether. A variety.. A collection.

The best way to kick things off.. it to introduce ourselves really, now isn't it?

Shannon (Thalia)
Instagram: Piratess_thaliaJadex

Hey guys.
So a bit about me, hm? Well. I'm theatre obsessed.. You know, like Supernatural obsessed, but with theatre. I can nearly quote most musicals, and name most of them too. Its a gift and a curse. But, because I'm so much into theatre. I have taught myself quite a lot of theatre trade. Such as: Theatrical make up, Acting through song, and singing (give or take a little)
I'm 16.. and its just coming up to my exams.. scare as hell I know. Little revising here and there, mostly crying mountains of water.. but with a little determination, I'm sure I can pass with flying colours.. or at least hit them B's!
I also study Performing Arts and Business.. but.. what I really want to do.. I would love to go travelling around the globe. See the sights, you know? One day the future might allow me to!
Also, I'm a Scorpio.. no idea what that means.. but hey ho hey, I am one. November the 2nd (which I share with my twin- yay)

Instagram: Olivex289

Okay then. My turn.
My names Oliwia. I'm 16. Originally from Poland ( that's why my name is spelt the way it is), but now living in the rainy country of England.
I have a number of bands which I LOVE to listen to. I'm more into bands than I am into musicals, although I put up with them (For Shannon). To name a few: Imagine Dragons, Muse, The Killers, Kings Of Leon.. There's loads more but I won't bore you... just yet.
You can probably tell that I love listening to music. I also like going on walks around town and often take my cute little dog: Lyla.. A Yorkshire Terrier. I'll post photos soon! 
I have one friend.. which I decided to blog with.. Sad life really.
I enjoy drawing..which I may post some with reasoning behind them.. or just share my images, whichever seems easier at the time.
I am a Pisces, 9th March (only stating this because Shannon did)